Nutrition Coaching

To get in shape, you’ll need to be consistent. To be consistent, you’re going to need some help. You won’t have to struggle on your own. Get lasting results you never thought possible.

Expert Nutrition Coaching & Accountability

Lose Weight, Build Strength & Have More Energy

You tell me your goals. I’ll help you get there. In under one year, you’ll be in better shape than you ever thought possible.

Busy? Let me do the thinking for you

You have enough to worry about already. Leave the nutrition and workout details to me while you breathe easy.

I’ll help you stay accountable

I’ll provide you with daily support, guidance and accountability, every step of the way, no matter what life throws at you. We’re in this together.

Proven to work100,000 times over

We’ll use the Precision Nutrition coaching method, developed by the world’s top nutrition researchers and used by champion athletes to achieve lasting change. More on the evidence below.

We’ll make livinghealthy a habit

Most people who try to get in shape overload themselves and burn out quickly. Instead, I’ll help you focus on the small practices that lead to big results.

Affordable one-on-one coaching

Personal coaching is finally affordable. And it just works. Why? Because I am committed to helping you get into the shape you want.

Coach Dylan Hogan +

Precision Nutrition is the world’s leading nutrition coaching, software, and certification company. Proven with over 100,000 people over 15 years, their mission is research-driven, life-changing nutrition coaching for everyone.

Transform your body forever

You tell me what you want to do. I’ll help you do it. First, I’ll learn about your lifestyle, needs, and specific goals. Then, over the course of the program, I’ll give you everything you need to look, feel, and perform better than you thought possible.

Proven strategies to help you get (and keep) the body you want

You’ve probably tried multiple diet and workout programs in the past. And you’ve concluded that they simply don’t work in the long run. Instead of the all-or-nothing dieting approach, I use a sustainable, practice-based approach to build healthy habits into your life, one day at a time. The result? You’ll lose the weight (and inches) you haven’t been able to shed for years. You’ll have more energy than ever before. And you’ll build physical strength and find new confidence in your body.

Stay accountable and consistent with personal help from me

I live and breathe this stuff everyday, and have dedicated my professional life helping people like you become fitter, stronger, and healthier than ever. Whatever obstacles arise, I’ll help you overcome them by modifying your program or offering new solutions. In the end, know that I’m here to support you every step of the way, no matter what life throws at you. Here’s an inside look at how the personal coaching program works.

Nutrition Packages

Want more than an amazing nutrition coaching experience? Combine your nutrition with quality training to crush your goals with Tier 2 Training & Nutrition. 


Tier 1


  • 12 week access to the online nutrition platform – Precision Nutrition
  • Monthly check-ins

Tier 2


  • 12 week customized training program based off YOUR goals
  • Access to the online nutrition platform- Precision Nutrition
  • Periodized and Planned Around Your Training Needs
  • Movement Prep based off your assessments
  • Access to the TrueCoach App
  • Bi-weekly video consultations
  • SAVE 10% on training cost

How the Program Works

Inside look at Coaching for Women

Inside look at Coaching for Men

You’ll start by telling me all about yourself, including your goals, health challenges, and daily routine. From there, I’ll customize your entire program and we’ll start the proven 12-month coaching process.

Every day, you’ll get a lesson and a nutrition or lifestyle habit to practice. You can either read the daily lesson or listen to it like a podcast. We’ll practice a new nutrition habit every two weeks, with every lesson designed to help you get results.

Along with your nutrition habits, we’ll work together to create and practice healthy habits across every aspect of your life: from sleep and stress-management to movement and mindfulness. These new habits will help you feel more calm, confident, and prepared for each day—no matter what life throws at you.

I’ll check in with you frequently to see how you’re doing and to answer any questions you have. Also, you can message me whenever you need. The program also tracks everything from your measurements to your habits throughout the year, so you can see just how much progress you’ve made

Precision Nutrition Results

Wondering what kind of results does the Precision Nutrition system get? Watch this video to find out.

Is Personal Coaching Right For You?

Personal coaching with Coach Dylan Hogan and Precision Nutrition is for you if:

You want to get healthier, fitter, and stronger — and stay that way for the rest of your life

This program is for people who want to lose weight and body fat, build physical strength and confidence, get results that last, and get off the diet roller-coaster once and for all. I won’t give you a crazy diet or exercise program to follow; instead, I’ll help you build habits that will get you results that last forever.

You’re tired of “quick fix” programs and are willing to dedicate 12 months to getting in shape the sustainable way

If you’ve tried something before and “failed” — or just can’t stick with it — know that you’re not alone. And it’s not your fault. After all, self-directed training and nutrition programs fail 98 percent of the time. Not to mention, after many years in the fitness industry, I’ve seen dozens of diet and exercise fads come and go. That’s why I don’t follow fads. Instead, I’ll teach you doable daily actions that are designed to fit into a busy lifestyle. Bottom line: I’ll help you make fitness and nutrition a part of your life, without it taking over.

You want an expert to hold you accountable and keep you consistent through the program

Nothing worth doing can be done alone. That’s why I work closely with my clients to help them eat well and exercise, no matter what other craziness is going on in their lives. You’re busy and have enough to worry about; let me take care of the fitness and nutrition details so you don’t have to.